Title: yokohAmA jumpstyLE triAL 150pLus+ (krEtoN vs fLAN-chAN rEmix)
Artist: kenta-v.ez.
Original yokohAmA jumpstyLE triAL 150pLus+ by kenta-v.ez.
Genre: Hardstyle
And then, god said “I’ll give you kenta-v.ez. to make awesome songs!”.
Or something like that.
Anyway, when I first time heard this song I knew it.
It’s my FAVORITE. Also, I knew it that I must remix it.
I’m ask for help Flan-chan since his\her specialization is Hardstyle and similar genres.
Also DJ Werwolf lend us a hand a bit.
So, how it sounds?
Very similar to original song.
Hard beat good synths, flute (hell yes >_<). Just yokohAmA (Thank goddess not Akihabara ^_^;). I’ll add also some variations to song. Just listen it!
Here is remastered version 1 dot 2 (1.2 XD)!
Artist: kenta-v.ez.
Original yokohAmA jumpstyLE triAL 150pLus+ by kenta-v.ez.
Genre: Hardstyle
And then, god said “I’ll give you kenta-v.ez. to make awesome songs!”.
Or something like that.
Anyway, when I first time heard this song I knew it.
It’s my FAVORITE. Also, I knew it that I must remix it.
I’m ask for help Flan-chan since his\her specialization is Hardstyle and similar genres.
Also DJ Werwolf lend us a hand a bit.
So, how it sounds?
Very similar to original song.
Hard beat good synths, flute (hell yes >_<). Just yokohAmA (Thank goddess not Akihabara ^_^;). I’ll add also some variations to song. Just listen it!
Here is remastered version 1 dot 2 (1.2 XD)!
Well… I send some informations about remix to Mr. kenta-v.ez. but he just ignore it (I guess since I don’t get even “F**k you” answer).
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